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The world production of and the most reliable manufacturers of table olives

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The global olive market size reached a volume of approximately 3.63 MMT in 2023. The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.30% between 2024 and 2032 to attain a value of around 5.31 MMT by 20321.
According to the International Olive Council, the provisional figures for production in the 2020/21 crop year point to 2,661,000t of table olives, down 10.1% on the previous year. Among IOC member countries, Spain produced 20.5% of the world’s table olives, with a volume 19.3% higher than the previous year. Egypt produced 18.8% of the total, which is 23.1% less than it produced in the 2019/20 crop year.

Several countries are major producers of table olives, and numerous manufacturers contribute to the global market. Some of the prominent table olive-producing countries and key manufacturers include:
Spain: Spain is one of the largest producers of table olives. Companies such as Agro Sevilla and Dcoop are significant players in the Spanish table olive industry.
Greece: Greece is another major producer, and companies like Gaea and Agrovim are known for their table olive products.
Turkey: Turkey is a significant player in the table olive market. Turkish companies like Marmarabirlik and Gemlik Olive Oil Industry and Trade Co. are notable in this sector.
Italy: Italy is renowned for its olive products, including table olives. Companies like Bellucci and Ficacci Olive Co. are prominent in the Italian market.
Egypt: Egypt has been increasing its production of table olives. Companies like Alfa Olives and El Rashidy El Asly are notable in the Egyptian market.
Morocco: Morocco is another North African country with a growing table olive industry. Companies such as Les Domaines Agricoles and Olvea Morocco are involved in olive production.
United States: In the U.S., California is a significant producer of table olives. Companies like Bell-Carter Foods and Musco Family Olive Co. are key players in the American market.
Argentina: Argentina is a notable player in the South American table olive market, with companies like Aceitunas Guadalquivir and Aceitunas Serrentina.
Tunisia: Tunisia is a major exporter of table olives, with companies like CHO Taklidia and SOCOPA involved in olive processing.

Table olives are a healthy food choice. According to a review published in the Journal of Nutritional Science, table olives are rich in monounsaturated fat (MUFA), fiber, vitamin E, and several phytochemicals, including hydroxytyrosol (HT), which is the major phenolic compound present in all types of table olives.

Table olives are considered a healthy food choice due to their rich nutrient profile, bioactive compounds, and the health benefits they offer when consumed as part of a balanced diet. Here are some key reasons why:

--- 1. Rich Source of Healthy Fats - Olives are high in monounsaturated fats, primarily oleic acid, which is known to support heart health by:
- Reducing levels of LDL ("bad cholesterol").
- Increasing levels of HDL ("good cholesterol").
- Helping lower blood pressure and inflammation.
These fats are a cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, which is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

--- 2. High in Antioxidants
- Olives are packed with antioxidants, such as *vitamin E**, **polyphenols**, and **flavonoids**, which help:
- Protect cells from oxidative stress.
- Reduce inflammation.
- Lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

--- 3. Promote Gut Health
- Fermented table olives are rich in probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support a healthy gut microbiome. A balanced gut microbiome:
- Enhances digestion and nutrient absorption.
- Supports immune function.
- Reduces inflammation throughout the body.

--- 4. Good Source of Essential Nutrients
Table olives provide important vitamins and minerals, such as:
- Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that protects skin, eyes, and immune health.
- Iron: Supports the production of hemoglobin and prevents anemia.
- Copper: Vital for energy production and a healthy nervous system.
- Calcium and Magnesium: Important for bone health.

--- 5. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
- The polyphenols in olives, such as hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, have strong anti-inflammatory effects. These compounds may:
- Help manage arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
- Reduce markers of chronic inflammation linked to diseases like Alzheimer's and cardiovascular issues.

--- 6. Blood Sugar Regulation
- The healthy fats and polyphenols in olives may improve insulin sensitivity and help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

--- 7. Low-Calorie, High-Satiety Snack
- Olives are relatively low in calories (about 7 calories per olive) but high in healthy fats and fiber, making them satisfying and great for managing appetite without overeating.

--- 8. Support Brain Health
- The antioxidants and monounsaturated fats in olives may protect against cognitive decline by:
- Reducing oxidative damage in brain cells.
- Supporting the structure and function of brain membranes.


Tips for Choosing Healthy Table Olives
- Opt for low-sodium varieties, as some table olives can be high in salt due to the brining process.
- Choose unprocessed or minimally processed olives to maximize their nutrient content.
- Look for organic or traditionally fermented olives to avoid additives and preservatives.


In conclusion, table olives are a nutrient-dense, heart-healthy food with a wide range of health benefits. Including them in moderation as part of a balanced diet can contribute to overall wellness, especially when paired with other Mediterranean diet staples like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish.

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Le olive sono un alimento ricco di proprietà benefiche e dal sapore inconfondibile. Scopriamo insieme perché dovrebbero far parte della nostra dieta:

Benefici nutrizionali delle olive:
Le olive sono ricche di grassi monoinsaturi, come l'acido oleico, che aiutano a ridurre il colesterolo "cattivo" (LDL) e aumentare quello "buono" (HDL), proteggendo così il cuore.
I polifenoli presenti nelle olive combattono i radicali liberi, prevenendo l'ossidazione del colesterolo e riducendo il rischio di malattie cardiovascolari.
Il contenuto di fibre nelle olive aiuta a sentirsi sazi più a lungo, favorendo il controllo dell'appetito e aiutando a mantenere un peso sano.
Le fibre presenti nelle olive nutrono la flora batterica intestinale, favorendo una buona digestione e prevenendo disturbi come la stitichezza.
I polifenoli proteggono le cellule dai danni causati dai radicali liberi, rallentando l'invecchiamento cutaneo e migliorando l'elasticità della pelle.
Le olive contengono minerali come calcio e magnesio, essenziali per la salute delle ossa e per prevenire l'osteoporosi.

Cosa contengono le olive?
Oltre ai grassi monoinsaturi, le olive sono una buona fonte di:

Vitamine: A, E, K
Minerali: Ferro, calcio, potassio
Polifenoli: Oleuropeina, tirosol

Come consumarle?
Le olive possono essere consumate in molti modi:

Aperitivo: Perfette da gustare da sole o accompagnate da formaggi e salumi.
Insalata: Aggiungono un tocco di sapore e croccantezza alle insalate.
Pizza:Arricchiscono il gusto della pizza.
Contorno: Accompagnano secondi piatti di carne o pesce.
Farciture: Sono ottime per farcire panini, tramezzini e torte salate.

Le olive sono un alimento versatile e salutare, che può essere facilmente inserito in una dieta equilibrata. Grazie al loro ricco contenuto di nutrienti, le olive contribuiscono a proteggere il cuore, a mantenere un peso sano e a migliorare la salute generale.

Manufacturers, producers & processors of canned olives | Fabricants, producteurs et transformateurs d'olives en conserve

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