This food trade fair takes place in Salzburg and is primarily aimed at professionals in the hospitality and catering industry. It features exhibitors from different sectors, including food and beverages, equipment, and services for the hospitality industry.
Held in Salzburg, this fair focuses on culinary delights and regional specialties. It brings together food producers, winemakers, and culinary experts from the region and beyond. Visitors can taste and purchase various food products, attend cooking shows, and participate in workshops.
Die GENUSSWELTEN, die Messe für Genießer und Gourmets, locken mit einer Vielfalt an kulinarischen Spezialitäten und Köstlichkeiten aus Österreich und aller Welt in das Wiener MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst. Besucher dürfen sich auf Delikatessen aus den unterschiedlichsten Ländern freuen – und diese natürlich auch verkosten.
The GENUSWELTEN, the trade fair for connoisseurs and gourmets, attracts visitors to the Vienna MAK - Museum of Applied Arts with a variety of culinary specialties and delicacies from Austria and all over the world. Visitors can look forward to delicacies from a wide variety of countries – and of course taste them too.