L'Artigiano in Fiera is an annual trade fair event dedicated to world craftsmanship in Milan.
International Food Exhibition, is the key event of the Italian agri-food sector, the true “platform” of Italian food excellence. each edition has been confirming CIBUS as an exclusive showcase enriched with workshops and round tables addressing food-related issues, and the goal is reinforcing its success in terms of contents and number of visitors attending.
The essence of the Fair since October until December, is the Alba White Truffle World Market; Location Alba, Piemonte Region.
Gustus is the only major event dedicated to agri-food and food and wine present in the Mezzogiorno of Italy. Location Naples.
La Mostra Mercato del Tartufo Bianco delle Crete senesi festeggia nella prossima edizione trentasette anni di Mostra anni di attività. Era il lontano 1985 quando per la prima volta a San Giovanni d’Asso, grazie all’iniziativa dell’Associazione Tartufai Senesi e dell’Amministrazione, prendeva vita quello che sarebbe diventato uno dei più importanti appuntamenti italiani dedicati al prezioso tartufo bianco.
The most important exhibition fully dedicated to top quality extra-virgin olive oil where you will be able to find also canned food not only olive oil condiment.
The exhibition in Florence dedicated to the excellence of taste and food lifestyle. Taste is the living room of the Italian eat well and stay healthy, which will meet the best international players of gastronomy, but also the increasingly large and enthusiastic audience of foodies.The Pitti Immagine fair dedicated to excellence in flavors and food lifestyles, a journey surrounded by food, wine, objects and ideas, a discovery tour of the many ways we express and experiment with taste today.
Organized by Slow Food, the Piedmont Region and the Municipality of Turin, Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is an international food and wine event that brings together producers and artisans of the agri-food sector from all over the world every two years.
The only exhibition in this sector in Italy with a real International profile
An event able to meet both the needs of companies mainly looking at the domestic market and those mostly looking at the export opportunities
Boasting the significant contribution from the whole food chain, TUTTOFOOD is a fundamental platform for discussion and critical debate on key topics of nutrition.