They specialise in distribution of food, wine and textiles
in Italy and internationally, with expertise in developing tailor-made
products from start to finish, from the client brief to the retailer’s shelf.
Via 2 Giugno 1946, n° 8
40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO) - Italy
Since 1939 distributors of fine food.
+39 3277380619
Via 2 Giugno 1946, n° 8
40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO) - Italy
Importer of some canned fish products too.
COAM Industrie Alimentari S.p.A.
Via Statale dello Stelvio 286
23017 Morbegno (So)
Demar Alimentari imports and distributes a wide range of preserves and food specialties from many countries on the Italian market.
Source: website of the importer
Demar Alimentari srl
via Agordat, 30
I-20127 Milano
Since 1970 Eurofood have been importing and distributing for the italian market the best food specialties coming from 50 countries.
Source: website
Via Privata Tacito, 12
20094 - Corsico (Mi)
Importer of canned fish products.
Via Provinciale di Mercatale, 155
I-50059 Vinci (FI)
Since 1970 the company imports and distributes the best food specialties from all over the world and distributes them in the Italian market. The expertise and experience accumulated over the years allows them to select quality and innovative products, anticipating new food trends and offering them to our customers.
Source: website of the importer
G.M.Grandi Marche srl
Corso Stati Uniti 1/39
I-35127 Padova
Thanks to their strategic position, they import and distribute food products from Switzerland, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands in Italy.
Source: website of the importer
Gramm SpA
Via di Mezzo ai Piani, 14
I-39100 Bolzano
Icat Food imports top quality fish preserves from all over the world and distributes them in Italy: it is the company of sea experts.In over 160 years it has created a deep know-how and a high competence for the sea, fishing and distribution of its products.
Source: website of the importer
Via Palestro, 2/5
I-16122 Genova
Importer of canned fish.
Piazza Borgo Pila 40 Torre A
I-16129 – Genova
The company opened in 2010 as a small shop set up to sell international food products in both retail and wholesale sectors. They have since added other items such as tea sets, Union Jack bags and other British merchandise. In doing so, they hope to provide our customers with a wide selection of their favourite products. You can find well known brand names such as Heinz, Batchelors, Baxter, Betty Crocker, Haywards, Colmans, Cadbury and Oxo.
Source: the website
Marine Store srl
Via P. Savi, 328 55049 - VIAREGGIO (Lucca)
They import and distribute quality products from European countries.
Matt srl
Via Enzenberg 22/B
I-39018 Settequerce • Terlano
They import and distribute quality products from Europe, Asia and Mexico countries.
Mr Foody
Via Consortile Asi Compl Marican
81030 Teverola (CE)
OROBICA FOOD fondata nel 2002 dalla famiglia Locatelli, è, oggi, ai vertici come qualità dei prodotti e del servizio offerto, per quanto riguarda la fornitura di prodotti alimentari di alta gamma nel canale
OROBICA FOOD founded in 2002 by the Locatelli family, is today at the top in terms of product quality and service offered, as regards the supply of high-end food products in the channel.
+39 035 8361299
Orobica Food S.r.l.
Via della Castrina 1
24060 Chiuduno (Bg) ITALY
Importer of preserved food
OSCAR 78 srl
Via Antonio Pacinotti, 10
00015 Monterotondo Scalo RM Italia
Riunione Industrie alimentari is a company born from the union of the experience of operators who have been working for years looking for fish specialties to be proposed to the market Italian and international.
Riunione Industrie Alimentari srl
Via Privata Gualco 50/E
I -16165 Genova
They were born out of passion for the agri-food sector. They have grown over the years thanks to our ability to select the best suppliers in the world and offer both own-brand and private label high quality products.
Source: website of the importer
Sama S.p.A.
Via Vittorio 88
I-35040 Ponso (PD)
They import and distribute quality products from Germany since 1980.
Svevi srl
Via del Moriglione, 10
I- 56019 Migliarino PI
They are a modern import/export company, focused on ethnic food, mindful of the needs of the many ethnic communities in Italy and in Europe.Their business started in 1985 with the takeover of an important Italian company; they brought in a large Customer base particularly oriented to Chinese food services. The company then took the name of China Trading, and after several development stages over a few years it took a new seat at a warehouse with offices in Segrate, in the province of Milan. There, the activity continued until the end of 2005 with great success. With the years passing, in a context of growing markets, it became necessary to think of a further development of the company, as well as of a new name, better suited to the broadened business.So, in January 2006 under the new name of Uniontrade, the business moved to the municipality of Peschiera Borromeo, in the province of Milan.
Source: the website
Via E. Mattei, 1
20068 Peschiera Borromeo (Milano)
Tel. +39 02 26922898