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Uruguay food importers

Uruguay market could be of interest for manufacturers and exporters of canned food.You are able to find here a list of food importers in Uruguay.


Pontyn is on of the most food importer in Uruguay.
Source: website of the importer

Pontyn SA
Capitán Lacosta 4841
12300 Montevideo
(+598) 2222 4955


Desde sus comienzos en 1928 Soldo Hnos. ha marcado una intachable conducta comercial manteniéndose fiel a su vocación de servicio y gestión, convirtiéndose en una de las compañías más destacadas del rubro alimentación, basando su estrategia comercial en su actualizada política de marcas tanto propias como de prestigiosas compañías de la región y del mundo que han confiado la representación de sus productos en búsqueda de la excelencia en distribución y una mayor participación en el mercado Uruguayo.
Since its beginnings in 1928, Soldo Hnos. has marked an impeccable commercial conduct, remaining faithful to its vocation of service and management, becoming one of the most outstanding companies in the food industry, basing its commercial strategy on its updated policy of both its own and brand names. prestigious companies in the region and the world that have entrusted the representation of their products in search of excellence in distribution and a greater participation in the Uruguayan market Source: website of the importer

Soldo Hnos. S.A.
Bulevar Batlle y Ordonez
12900 Montevideo
Facebook (+598) 2222 4955

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