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Overview of Yemen

Yemen is a country located at the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north and Oman to the east. It has a diverse geography that includes mountainous regions, arid deserts, and a coastline of approximately **2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles)** along the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

1. **Geography and Climate**: Yemen is predominantly mountainous, which contributes to its varied climate. While much of the country is arid, there are areas with sufficient rainfall that support agriculture. The highlands are known for their cooler temperatures and fertile lands, making them suitable for farming.

2. **Capital and Major Cities**: The capital city of Yemen is **Sanaa**, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Other significant cities include Aden, Taiz, and Al Hudaydah, each playing a vital role in the country's cultural and economic landscape.

3. **Political Situation**: Yemen has been in a state of political crisis since 2011, following protests inspired by the Arab Spring. The resignation of President Ali Abdallah Saleh led to a power vacuum, resulting in conflict between various factions, including the Houthis, who control significant portions of the north and west of the country. This ongoing conflict has severely impacted the country's stability and governance.

4. **Humanitarian Crisis**: Yemen is currently facing one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, exacerbated by years of conflict, economic collapse, and food insecurity. The country has been described as the poorest in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), with millions of people in need of humanitarian assistance.

5. **Cultural Heritage**: Yemen has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from various civilizations throughout history. Its traditional architecture, music, and cuisine reflect a unique blend of Arab, African, and South Asian influences. The country is also known for its coffee, particularly the famous Yemeni coffee, which has a long-standing reputation for quality.

In summary, Yemen is a country with a complex history and a rich cultural heritage, currently facing significant challenges due to ongoing conflict and humanitarian issues.

Food Importers in Yemen

Yemen relies heavily on food imports to meet its population's needs, with approximately **90%** of its food being imported. Here are some key points regarding food importers and the import landscape in Yemen:
1. Major Import Partners: Yemen imports food from various countries, with significant contributions from China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, India, and Oman. These countries are crucial suppliers of essential food commodities, including grains, sugar, and dairy products.
2. Key Import Companies: One of the notable food importers in Yemen is Mafco for Trading & Agencies, established in 2001. Mafco has grown to become one of the largest food importers in the country, focusing on providing high-quality food products to the Yemeni market.
3. Challenges in Food Importation: The private sector faces numerous financial and logistical constraints when importing food into Yemen. These challenges are exacerbated by the ongoing conflict, which complicates supply chains and increases costs. Reports suggest that addressing these constraints is critical for improving food security in the country.
4. Food Security Concerns: The reliance on imports has made Yemen vulnerable to global market fluctuations and supply chain disruptions. The ongoing humanitarian crisis has further strained the ability to import food, leading to unprecedented spikes in food prices and increased risk of hunger among the population.
5. Market Dynamics: The food import market in Yemen is characterized by a mix of local and international players. The demand for basic food commodities remains high, and there is a pressing need for effective interventions to facilitate imports and ensure food availability.


Exporting preserved food to Yemen involves navigating various logistical, regulatory, and market challenges. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:
1. Understanding Import Regulations: Yemen has specific import regulations that must be adhered to. It's crucial to familiarize yourself with the country's customs requirements, including necessary documentation, health certifications, and labeling standards for food products. This ensures compliance and smooth entry of your goods into the market.
2. Logistical Challenges: The current situation in Yemen presents significant logistical challenges due to ongoing conflict and infrastructure issues. It's important to assess the financial and logistical constraints that may affect your ability to import food products. Collaborating with local partners who understand the market dynamics can be beneficial.
3. Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for preserved food products in Yemen. Identifying consumer preferences and potential competitors will help you position your products effectively. This research can also inform your marketing strategies and pricing.
4. Partnerships with Local Distributors: Establishing relationships with local distributors or importers can facilitate the entry of your products into the Yemeni market. These partners can provide valuable insights into local consumer behavior and help navigate the complexities of the supply chain.
5. Compliance with Food Safety Standards: Ensure that your preserved food products meet international food safety standards. This may involve obtaining certifications that demonstrate the quality and safety of your products, which can enhance their appeal in the Yemeni market.

By addressing these considerations and staying informed about the evolving situation in Yemen, you can effectively navigate the process of exporting preserved food to the country.

Esportazione di Prodotti Alimentari Conservati nello Yemen

Per esportare prodotti alimentari conservati nello Yemen, è importante seguire alcune linee guida generali e considerare le normative specifiche del paese. Ecco alcuni punti chiave da tenere a mente:
1. Normative di Importazione: Prima di tutto, è fondamentale informarsi sulle normative di importazione dello Yemen. Ogni paese ha requisiti specifici riguardo alla documentazione necessaria, alle certificazioni sanitarie e alle etichette dei prodotti. Assicurati di avere tutti i documenti in regola per evitare problemi al momento dell'importazione.
2. Registrazione e Certificazioni: Potrebbe essere necessario registrare i prodotti presso le autorità competenti yemenite. Questo include la registrazione dei prodotti alimentari e l'ottenimento di certificazioni sanitarie che attestino la qualità e la sicurezza degli alimenti.
3. Conservazione e Trasporto: È essenziale garantire che i prodotti alimentari conservati siano trasportati in condizioni adeguate per mantenere la loro qualità. Utilizza metodi di conservazione appropriati e assicurati che il trasporto avvenga in modo da prevenire danni o deterioramenti.
4. Collaborazione con Importatori Locali: Considera di collaborare con importatori o distributori locali che conoscono il mercato yemenita. Questi partner possono fornire informazioni preziose sulle preferenze dei consumatori e sulle pratiche commerciali locali.
5. Ricerca di Mercato: Effettua una ricerca di mercato per comprendere la domanda di prodotti alimentari conservati nello Yemen. Questo ti aiuterà a identificare le opportunità e a posizionare i tuoi prodotti in modo efficace.

Seguendo questi passaggi e rimanendo informato sulle normative locali, potrai facilitare il processo di esportazione dei tuoi prodotti alimentari conservati nello Yemen.


Their Primary facility in Yemen is over 38 warehouses across Yemen. Our facility features cold stores and dry stores which handles over 11000MT. Qader Brothers has several branches around the world distributing Yemen products.
Source: the website of the importer.
N402 st. Jabel Ali Freezone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Mafco is a private trading company established by Mr. Moad Taha Aladimi in 2001 with the aim of providing Yemen market with high quality food products. Since then it has gone several stages of development and considered to be one of the biggest food importer in Yemen.Mafco is the major supplier of foodstuffs to supermarket, Hypermarket, Airlines, Grocery stores, 5-Stars Hotels, Tourist class Restaurants, Hospitals, Restaurants, Wholesalers, Retailers, etc…
Source: the website of the importer.
Head Office:Sana’a, South 60th. Street 23143


Shareb Brothers For Trade & Marketing (SBTM) is a private trading company established in 1995 Mr. Ali Mohammed Shareb the owner. Since then the company evolved through several successful stages of development, whilst keeping to its core principles to become one of the leading companies in Yemen.
Source: the website of the importer.
50th ST, Behind Sadd Kamaran Station Sana'a – Yemen


Yemen Trade Portal is a major improvement in trade facilitation, a site where you can find all the information you need on regulatory requirements for international trade. This portal is designed to make trading easy for small/medium and women-owned businesses which do not have resources for researching legislation and relying on specialized expertise.

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